The Distinctive Fifth Season: Earth Phase

We recognize the Five Element or Five Phase theory as part of the wisdom that informs our qigong view of life and nature. The Five Phase theory posits that everything in the universe, including our health, is governed by five elements, which incorporate their corresponding organs and seasons: wood/liver/spring, fire/heart/summer, earth/spleen-pancreas/second summer, metal/lungs/autumn and water/kidneys/winter.…

Spring Qi Rising

Reprinted from Feb 2020 newsletter As we delight in the approach of spring, we notice that there is a special energy associated only with this season of renewal. This is an invigorating time with energy rising throughout nature and within us; think baby birds, seedlings thrusting up through the earth and our own spring cleaning, innovation and…

Contemplating Guanyin

This ancient wood statue of Guanyin, in a unique pose, could give us the idea that she’s wondering, “what’s next”?  Many of us can certainly relate to this as we may feel perplexed about the mercurial nature of life. Alternating between experiencing resistance to the unknown while at other times embracing and resting in the…

Discipline Brings Freedom

After our group completed a 100-day gong (March – July 2020) our QFL teachers shared what this unique experience yielded for them. I was delighted to read about their realizations. They each experienced significant healing from the 100-day gong. I  believe their words will inspire you as you continue on your own qigong path. Gabriela Flores:…

Spring Qi Rising

As we delight in the approach of spring, we notice that there is a special energy associated only with this season of renewal. This is an invigorating time with energy rising throughout nature and within us; think baby birds, seedlings thrusting up through the earth and our own spring cleaning, innovation and new projects. Winter is…

The Eight Verses of Zhineng Qigong

During our recent Immersion Retreat we revisited the Eight Verses. Knowing how to recite them in English and sing them in Chinese, before each practice session, is a foundation of  the Zhineng Qigong system. We thought it a good time to share this article from June 2017: Learning and practicing the Eight Verses is an…