Qi Field Therapy

For thousands of years qigong practitioners and shamanic healers have felt, understood and engaged the universal energy field – the qi field – to support self-healing and healing* of others. They divined methods to initiate transformation and healing through activating conscious intelligence. This awakened a deep connection with universal energy and primordial qi, which was then…

The Fifth Season: Earth Phase

We recognize the Five Element or Five Phase theory as part of the wisdom that informs our qigong view of life and nature. The Five Phase theory posits that everything in the universe, including our health, is governed by five elements, which incorporate their corresponding organs and seasons: wood/liver/spring, fire/heart/summer, earth/spleen-pancreas/Indian summer, metal/lungs/autumn and water/kidneys/winter.…

The Rhymed Formula

There is a subtle movement of qi that is constantly occurring between and within humans and every other thing in the universe. This qi movement is the fundamental force of all changes and variations in everything. From the universal void, subtle movements of Primordial Qi (Hunyuan Qi) continually transmute into and produce everything between heaven…